Zastosunok is the easiest way to find out whether you need beauty products and health products and book them in Ukraine at low prices. Also, you will know the great dodnik of likiv from the addendum.
This is an official zastosunok for the website, you can respect it as a whole without a cost and without registration. It is also one of the leading mobile phone calls in such categories as medicine and pharmaceutics, online pharmacies and health. Tse right planet is healthy, yak is now available to the skin!
You don’t have time to check the distribution near the pharmacy and find out if you need a pill there? Then just hurry up with add-on! Enter the name of the drug and enter a medical advice so that you understand what you yourself need. And after that, adjust the prices in pharmacies to save. You can book the necessary piguki, so be sure that you don’t buy them earlier, you will come to the pharmacy.
Our addendum has a large number of pharmacies in Ukraine and online pharmacies: Low Price Pharmacy (ANC), Wholesale Price Pharmacy, Pharmacy, Good Day Pharmacy (ADD), Pharmacy 911, Plantain, Bazhaemo Zdorovya, Kopiyka Pharmacy, Pharmacy 36.6, Pharmacy BAM, Social Pharmacy, Med-Service, Pharmacist, TAS Pharmacy, DS Pharmacy and many others. The number of pharmacies is constantly increasing!
Supplement Tablets offer a wide range of medical products for health. For the help of our service, you can book medical goods (liquids / tablets / medicines / vitamins / food supplements), cosmetics, goods for mothers and babies, goods for women, hygiene care, beauty and health care, medical equipment.
• Magnificent choice, actual prices. Your health is our turbota. We take care of the control over it, so that the quality of the faces from our supplement is no longer relevant, and you could equalize the prices and buy the faces visually.
• Acceptance of likіv is no longer a problem: navіt yakshcho you need likі, yakі smoothly rozshukati, we all help to know them close. Poshuk likіv at pharmacies, having become forgiven like nicoli. Now all pharmacies in all Ukraine are on your side. Available all keys Pharmacies in Kiev, Kharkov, Odessa, Lviv, Dnipro, Poltava, Vinnitsa, Zaporizhzhya and other places of Ukraine.
• You can save 30% or get more money to buy liqs. Lock faces in a couple of clicks without any extra charge!
• Dovіdnik lіkіv allow you to know and save the instruction to be-like likіv, dіznatisya dіyuchu speech, contraindication, method of congestion, dosing, saving and navіt vіdshukati analogues of liqіv, yakі you ts_vlyat . When you do not need the Internet, the access is available without it.
How to vikoristovuvati
Tse duzhe is simple! Vіd otrimannya potrіbnyh lіkіv you vіddіlyaє three simple steps:
1. Zavantazhte and install addendum, zapustіt yogo and vkazhіt name of the product you need.
2. Specify the radius of the search, so that you can find the propositions of any pharmacies nearby. Adjust the prices online and get the best.
3. Now collect the required credits and book them. Axis and everything, now it is no longer enough to take away the appointment in the nearest pharmacy. Be healthy with!
Having installed an add-on, you will immediately start saving your hour and pennies.
Try it right now - install and open addon ;)
- optimization and corrections.
- optimization and correction of parcel deliveries
- optimization and correction of maps
- optimization and correction of errors The utility bills are being optimized, but the software is being developed. Technical release. We fixed some errors, it is not noticeable, but everything started working a little better. Update! Bug fixes Bug fixes Added the ability to filter objects on the parking map General technical improvements Redesign of the main menu. Adding kbju to goods - Winter has come to the city - Updated Don (now Don can find not only the sheriff, but also any other active peaceful role) - A new mode "Live monologue" has been added to the classics - A new paint "Active" has been added - A unique New Year's task The application now supports authorization via VK ID and MTS ID. Use existing accounts in the VK social network or the MTS ecosystem to quickly access your Fix Price account from any device. Also in the new version, you can place orders via Yandex Delivery - by courier or at the service's pick-up points. The service is available for users from Russia. Update the application and appreciate all the benefits today! Fix Price - we care about you! Season ticket holders can now open the barrier for entry via quick actions — and we have improved the stability of this functionality in this release — just hold down the app icon and select the “Open passage” menu item. We are very pleased that you park with us! When you have a free minute, we will be glad to hear your feedback :) We are testing new features and experimenting with ideas. You can report any problems via “Write a review” in the app settings. We are testing new features and experimenting with ideas. You can report any problems via “Write a review” in the app settings. We are testing new features and experimenting with ideas. You can report any problems via “Write a review” in the app settings. In the new update, we have added the ability to switch to a Business account in the profile menu and profile settings. Now shopping in the basket by cashless payment will be even more convenient! The main page also got a new look: the blocks "You watched", "Favorites", "Promotions" and "Popular" have become more modern and intuitive. Update and enjoy the improvements! Your Minor edits and improvements
- optimization and correction of errors The utility bills are being optimized, but the software is being developed. Technical release. We fixed some errors, it is not noticeable, but everything started working a little better. Update! Bug fixes Bug fixes Added the ability to filter objects on the parking map General technical improvements Redesign of the main menu. Adding kbju to goods - Winter has come to the city - Updated Don (now Don can find not only the sheriff, but also any other active peaceful role) - A new mode "Live monologue" has been added to the classics - A new paint "Active" has been added - A unique New Year's task The application now supports authorization via VK ID and MTS ID. Use existing accounts in the VK social network or the MTS ecosystem to quickly access your Fix Price account from any device. Also in the new version, you can place orders via Yandex Delivery - by courier or at the service's pick-up points. The service is available for users from Russia. Update the application and appreciate all the benefits today! Fix Price - we care about you! Season ticket holders can now open the barrier for entry via quick actions — and we have improved the stability of this functionality in this release — just hold down the app icon and select the “Open passage” menu item. We are very pleased that you park with us! When you have a free minute, we will be glad to hear your feedback :) We are testing new features and experimenting with ideas. You can report any problems via “Write a review” in the app settings. We are testing new features and experimenting with ideas. You can report any problems via “Write a review” in the app settings. We are testing new features and experimenting with ideas. You can report any problems via “Write a review” in the app settings. In the new update, we have added the ability to switch to a Business account in the profile menu and profile settings. Now shopping in the basket by cashless payment will be even more convenient! The main page also got a new look: the blocks "You watched", "Favorites", "Promotions" and "Popular" have become more modern and intuitive. Update and enjoy the improvements! Your Minor edits and improvements
- optimization and fixes of pardons
- updated sorting of search results in pharmacies
- additional medical certificates have been added;
- correction and optimization.
Optimization and correction of goods
Optimization and correction of goods
Optimization and correction of bugs
- added information about incorrect packaging;
- optimization and correction of pardons
- added information about different packaging;
- optimization and correction
- optimization and correction of orders
- optimization and correction
- further examination of the row;
- a guess has been added about the completion of the term of armoring.
- optimization and supplementation.
- optimization and supplementation.
- updating the screen with the results of the joke;
- updated product tiles.
- possibility of booking without a phone number;
- added a new message about changing the status of the reservation;
- head screen updates;
- updates of special cabinet;
- updates of the armored booking screen;
- added search in filters;
- іnshі doopratsyuvannya and optimization.
- correction of pardons and optimization.
- new head screen;
- new distribution "All functions";
- Added Rx badge for prescription drugs on tiles and in product cards;
- correction of pardons and optimization.
- added information about legal entities of pharmacies and shops;
- optimization and correction of pardons.
- in the information about the pharmacy, a photo was added (optional);
- added informational notice when making a reservation;
- optimization and correction of pardons.
- added filter "Generator" and information about pharmacies, how to work for power supply
+ optimizing and correcting the pardons
+ added catalog interface for categories and brands
+ optimization and correction of pardons
Correction and optimization
+ companion application for smart watches with wear os:
• Displaying the list and details of the armor;
• Display basket with the possibility of making a reservation;
+ updated shopping list:
• Search for the entire list in two pharmacies;
• Comparison of prices of list items in different pharmacies;
• Search for the minimum cost of goods from the list within a radius or city;
+ on the product card added a mode of quick transition to similar products;
+ optimizations and improvements.
+ companion application for smart watches with wear os:
• Displaying the list and details of the armor;
• Display basket with the possibility of making a reservation;
+ updated shopping list:
• Search for the entire list in two pharmacies;
• Comparison of prices of list items in different pharmacies;
• Search for the minimum cost of goods from the list within a radius or city;
+ on the product card added a mode of quick transition to similar products;
+ optimizations and improvements.
+ optimization and bug fixes
+ the process of booking goods that are not in the pharmacy has been improved;
+ optimization of the application.
+ Fixed bug when logging in with Facebook.
+ Fixed bug when saving address.
New functions and capabilities:
+ added active armor to the main screen;
+ added a notification about changes in the cost or quantity of the booked goods;
+ for goods from the lists of the section "My goods", new functions have been added:
++ the ability to indicate the amount of the drug in the home first-aid kit;
++ set expiration date reminders;
++ add a comment;
+ added the ability to disable SMS messages in the settings menu;
+ and much, much more.
New functions and features:
+ updated shopping list;
+ updated statistics section;
+ added the ability to preview information about the product (shopping cart; booking details; checking defective series, etc.);
+ section "Feedback";
+ added the ability to copy and substitute hint text into the search bar;
+ for pharmacies that quickly process reservations, a corresponding “icon” has been added;
+ added a new filter for searching in pharmacies "Fast booking processing".
Bug fixes
New functions and capabilities:
+ new offline mode - access to the list and details of reservations without an Internet connection;
+ updated representation of armor details;
+ the ability to share your booking;
+ the ability to leave a review about the reservation;
+ and much more. Yaaaahuu! MEGA Friends is more than a loyalty program! Let's be friends. Are you with us?
Bugs fixed:
+ large font is now available
+ fixed problem when launching the application for some phones
Many new and useful things:
+ new main screen - access to the main functions is now faster
+ create your own lists of goods (for a son, for a throat, for a headache)
+ re-armor
+ advanced search (by active substance, INN, ATX)
+ check for defective series
+ and much more.
+ Fixed a bug when deleting an item from the basket.
+ Fixed bugs in the dark theme.
Edits and improvements for more comfortable work
New interface and new features:
+ book part of the package;
+ search for several products at the same time in one pharmacy;
+ you can cancel your reservation if you don't have time to pick it up;
+ push notifications when booking status changes;
+ look for the next product in the same pharmacy where you have already started making a reservation;
+ improved personal account;
+ search for goods by barcode;
+ selection of goods in the pharmacy basket;
+ and much, much more.
- Added a reservation code to the History of Reservations and Information about the reservation
- Pharmacies in which you are already making a reservation are displayed at the top of the list
- Added a picture to the Instructions
- Added the ability to copy information about the pharmacy and the reservation code by clicking on the corresponding fields on the View Pharmacy and Information about armor
- Added "Pull down to refresh" gesture to Armor History
- Updated colors
- Bug fixes to
- Added armor code to Armor History and Armor Information
- The pharmacies in which you are already making a reservation are displayed at the top of the list
- Added a picture on the Instructions
- Added the ability to copy the pharmacy information and the reservation code by clicking on the corresponding fields on the Pharmacy View and Reservation Information
- Added the "Pull down to update" gesture "on Armor History
- Updated Colors
- Added a booking code to the Booking History and Booking Information
- Pharmacies where you are already making a booking are displayed at the top of the list
- Added a picture to the Instructions
- Added the ability to copy pharmacy information and booking code by clicking on the appropriate fields in the Pharmacy View and Booking Information
- Added a "Pull down to refresh" gesture on the Booking History
- Updated colors
- Bug fixes
Bug fixes, including:
- crash of the application on the map
- crash when entering a password on Meizu with Android 6.0
- crash at close zoom of the map on devices with Android 5.1